The Solidarity Economy Takes Shape and Will Re-Shape Your City 🏢

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With creative economies, guaranteed incomes, community-driven development, smart/sustainable city solutions and the solidarity economy coming to the forefront, this spring feels like we’re finally headed in the right direction. The pandemic has been painful, and it’s not over yet. However, there are signs of life; tiny buds of hope and stories of respect, equality and dignity that have evaded our communities for far too long. As the old adage goes, “you have to hit rock bottom before you can reach the top”, and we’re pleased to present some inspiring stories, trends and tools for place management practitioners in this issue. Oh, and did we mention coloring books? Yes, there are coloring books to boot! Got a great case story to share with us?  We’re all ears!

– Your Bright Brothers Team

We got so much fabulous feedback from our last e-blast, in particular about the audio trends that we’re seeing sync up simultaneously. In our April 2021 Trends Report we take a deeper dive to explore some of the fascinating sound bites that have us deeming 2021 the “Year of the Ear”. From audio-based catalogues to Clubhouse, to a massive increase in podcast consumption to brands using YouTube’s 15-second audio ads that play during music playlists – there are myriad implications for brand marketers and UPMO practitioners. Wouldn’t your downtown like a 75% lift in brand awareness right about now? Dive in deep with us, but don’t forget your earbuds!

Photo credit: Soundtrap, Unsplash 

Guaranteed and universal income issues are finally coming into their own, and we’re seeing all kinds of assistance pushed to the forefront since the pandemic altered many of our worldviews and paradigms. In the past we’ve reported on ways cities are ending homelessness, funding inclusive recovery and reinventing what a city really means to, for and by its constituents. In that vein, we’re thrilled to see that St. Paul, MN-based Springboard for the Arts has launched a guaranteed minimum income pilot program for local creatives. While it’s only $500 a month for 25 artists to start, the program was developed as a “sidecar” to ride along with St. Paul’s “People’s Prosperity Pilot” (offering an additional $500/month to 150 local families), and inspired by the “Mayors for a Guaranteed Income” network, which is a well-received “tool for racial and gender equity”. We applaud all of these efforts and would love to know what your district is doing to support, engage with and fund the local solidarity economy. It’s going to be key to your region’s recovery, so please share your examples with us!

Photo credit: Alexander Schimmeck, Unsplash

Many of you have IKE Smart City digital kiosks installed (or in the works). Some of you utilize smart tech Bigbelly receptacles with data collection capabilities and WiFi integration. But have you seen these innovative solutions from UK-based Environmental Street Furniture (ESF)? From solar-powered street benches and street chargers that power up devices and create those elusive third spaces, to street shelters and plug & play smart flowers, to all sorts of street needs – these pioneering people are helping to usher our cities into the 21st century with sustainable solutions. Give them a peek and imagine the possibilities for your downtown, district or DMO.

Photo credit: Environmental Street Furniture

Even adults like to doodle, and these creative crayon masterpieces can be yours when you order take-out in Tempe, AZ. As part of the city’s impressive sesquicentennial, Tempe has launched a “Color Your Community” campaign that provides free coloring books to educate, engage and create your own oeuvres at home. Over 300 restaurants are participating in the #TakeOutTuesday promotion, and we can’t wait to see what creative Tempeans concoct with their art kits, while supporting local businesses in need.

Photo credit:

Dead mall doing you no favors?  Buy it and turn it into community housing! That’s what one downtown is endeavoring to do in Crenshaw, CA. As another example of the solidarity economy, this commuity-driven effort has already socked away $28 million in the bank and fended off two investor bids for the unused property. This new L.A.-based organization called Downtown Crenshaw has ambitious plans to reimagine the space including mixed-income housing, worker-owned cooperatives, a recording studio and re-envisioned community greenspace. The plan is big, bold, industrious and driven by BIPOC – and we love to see it. We’ll be keeping tabs on this story as it develops and look forward to reporting on some radical ground-breaking soon!

Photo credit: NextCity

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